Awaken the Guru in You

You have to do it by yourself, but you don't have to do it alone.
Awaken The Guru In You > Blog > blog > The Ultimate Context Tool for Making Decisions.







There are so many decisions to make in life.

We think that freedom is having lots of choices, but when we have too many options,  we then feel confined by our indecision. Too much choice is a blessing and a curse.

Sometimes, when I have difficulty choosing between different options, I resort to what I call the “Ultimate Context”. A context is a point of view or a framework in which to consider a problem.

Ultimate Context

The “Ultimate Context” is the larger or broader goal in your life. You might say it is your life goal, or what you feel your life is all about, or where all the actions of your life are leading. It can be called your life purpose. It is what you are engaged in now and moving towards accomplishing in the future. It is something you are already doing even though you may or may not be conscious of it.

Life goals are often articulated as:

So anytime we have a difficult decision to make, we can ask ourselves, “Which of these choices is most in alignment with my Ultimate Context?” We then make a choice that most closely moves us towards that goal.

Having this context to fall back on gives us clarity and adds satisfaction to our lives. Each time we make a decision, whether large or small, we experience our selves moving towards something bigger. We feel ourselves making progress. The actions we take have meaning within a larger picture.

Life is no longer a hodge-podge of random occurrences to which we are victim. We then have a greater sense of control and ownership of our existence.  We are less likely to resent and resist our choices, and are more apt to dive into them knowing that each decision is leading us in a positive direction that we can then see is occurring.

Your ultimate context is important. It is unique to you. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself.

It will make your short existence on this planet totally worthwhile.

It will give life to your life.

Russell Scott

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