Awaken the Guru in You

You have to do it by yourself, but you don't have to do it alone.
Awaken The Guru In You > About Russell Scott

About Russell Scott

Russell spent his twenties becoming near-sighted reading philosophical books and sitting at the feet of so many swamis that he developed and allergy to dogma. As a result of a very painful experience with a sociopathic teacher he realized the “folly of following” and found the real guru in the least expected place…in himself.

After a number of profound awakening experiences on a retreat called the Enlightenment Intensive (now called The Coming Home Retreat), he spent many years training in this method, as well as a self-inquiry coaching modality called Clearing, which helps people overcome limiting beliefs and achieve greater success and fulfillment in life.

Having healed issues related to sexual-abuse, childhood physical trauma and an alcoholic parent, and having worked in many jobs from labour to corporate sales to addictions counseling, he carries a deep understanding and compassion of the human condition. 

Recently, in his 11 years as the owner of the Ecology Retreat Centre near Orangeville, Ontario, he pioneered programs in green building, sustainable living and personal growth. He says he met more spiritual teachers than one can shake a zen-stick at and as a result developed a keen radar for teachings that either create dependency or liberation. Over the years, he has participated or trained in many forms of personal transformation including: polarity therapy, the Silva method, Dynamind, psychosynthesis, stress management, pyscho-dramatic bodywork, gestalt therapy, family constellations, somatic experiencing, focusing, reiki, vipassana, mindfulness and mantra meditation, EMDR, etc.

All this has led him to write the critically acclaimed book: “Awaken the Guru in You” and become well-known across Canada as one of the new generation of “no dogma spiritual guides” who helps the growing number of independent seekers, spiritual non-followers and mystic misfits live from a deep connection to the beauty, inner strength and magnificence of their true selves.

For 40 years he has presented over 300 retreats and done 1000’s of hours of Clearing, in the process he calls Co-evolution.  He gets great joy watching participants in his retreats fall off their seats in fits of laughter when they realize who they are.

Read more about Russell at: Russell’s Story