One Way to Make Crucial Decisions
Its been said that there are two certainties in life: death and taxes but I’d like to suggest there are more.
They are called decisions.

Sometimes there are so many, it’s like being in a room full of flies. They are incessant and pestering, There are lots of jokes about decisions:
“I never make the same mistake twice. I make it three or four times, just to be sure.”
“Choosing between two options is like trying to pick the lesser of two weevils.”
“If only decision-making burned calories, I’d be a size 2 by now.”
But in all seriousness if we look at what has formed the trajectory of our lives, is it not the choices we have made? (or not made?) So it is very important to know how to make the right decisions. There are lots of strategies you can learn but I suggest, there is something else that needs to be established first before we practice any of these techniques.
It is called Context.
Context is the overarching aim of your life i.e. why you are here. Does it not seem reasonable that every choice we make should be moving us towards that ultimate goal. For instance, if we want to be healthy do we not need to make decisions that will create well-being? Surely, our choices need to focus towards that goal.

Mark Twain once said “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you found out why” He also said “The tragedy of life is not that we die, its that we die not knowing why we lived”. (Let that settle in. That’s a tough one)
I suggest to you that every decision we make needs to be in the context of: “Does this choice move me towards the goal of my life?” Therefore, life purpose is your ultimate standard upon which every decision is based. When we use that standard then automatically we eliminate a lot of options and confusion. Life becomes deeply meaningful and fulfilling as we experience progress with every choice moving us towards our purpose.
But herein lies a problem.
How many people really know the purpose of their lives? How many are just randomly thrashing around aimlessly never feeling like they are making progress. To overload you with another saying here’s another quote (from that famous person Anonymous) “If I don’t know where I am going that’s where I will get: nowhere”.
So how about we spend some time asking What is the purpose of our lives? or At the end of my life, what would I have wanted to achieve?

Ponder this every day for a few weeks. Write down what you come up with. Edit it. Change it. Pray for it. Re-write it. Over time you will find the statement gets clearer. There will be some “Ah-ha” moments where you will fall into a feeling of “That’s it”.
Now if that is a really difficult task (finding that ultimate standard), you might need help. If so I have something to offer you. Because I have experienced how important knowing my purpose has been for me I am offering this for free. (Well there is a bit of a catch, not a big one though … which I will explain later)
I have a self-discovery process called DEEP CALLING – Finding Your Life Purpose that will help you get clear on a number of aspects of your life. Its a six step self-study course that will help you clarify not only your Life Purpose but your Soul Gifts, Mission, Right Lively Hood, Abilities and Passions so that any barriers that have defeated you in the past, you can now overcome.
Knowing your Calling in life is the key to a meaningful, rewarding and inspiring life.

Normally I would charge $50 for the course. (I used to do this course as a seminar over a weekend for $300)
But it will be free as a download if you buy my book “Awaken the Guru in You- The Spiritual Seeker’s Guide to Inner Peace, Self-acceptance and Who You Really Are” off my website. It’s only $20.00
It was a best-seller on Amazon in February 2023 and I think you will really like it, but not just in my estimation. Its received a lot accolades. You can read these when you click on the link below. Plus there are other free gifts worth $150.00 as well when you order the book.
So Check it out now and Order it here: BOOK
Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver