Awaken the Guru in You

You have to do it by yourself, but you don't have to do it alone.
Awaken The Guru In You > Blog > blog > Let’s Stop Believing – Just for One Day

A belief is a point of view, a perspective and way of seeing things.

When we believe something we tend to only see the things that support our belief and ignore those things that don’t. In other words, believing is seeing or when we believe it, we see it.

When belief is erroneous it can cause great suffering.

So how about just for one day this week we stop believing in anything:

Let’s stop believing that:

How about when we notice a belief we just let go of it and see what happens? Just be open…to the way things actually are rather than the way we think things are.

Maybe without the filter of belief,  in a new sense of openness, we might get out of our heads and experience life rather that just thinking about it…

and instead of believing

we might be-living.  
