Awaken the Guru in You

You have to do it by yourself, but you don't have to do it alone.
Awaken The Guru In You > Blog > blog > How Can You Have More Energy and Motivation?

Ever notice what happens when you ask a child to do something they don’t want to do? Their energy just suddenly seems to vanish and they drop to the floor and whine:

“I don’t want to do the dishes. I’m too tired”.

But when you say:
“Okay how about after you do the dishes, we go on the internet and download that Harry Potter movie you wanted to see again?”

Notice how suddenly the energy is back.

Where did it vanish? How did it come back?

The secret…
Its always been there.

It comes and goes depending on our interest.

It’s the same with us.

When we are doing something in life we don’t want to do, the energy fades.
We have to push ourselves to do it.

If we push over and over again, we have to find external ways to get that energy back…

5 cups of coffee, double cream, double sugar.
Lots of vitamins
Protein powder
The whatever-hour energy drink

Then we have to take something to relieve some of the despair.
Maybe alcohol
Extra sleep
Lots of TV
Junk food
Too many healthy dark chocolate bars (I speak from experience here)

The body can start to breakdown forcing it to do what is deflating the soul.

We get stuck in believing life is just a “dirty ritz a-frats” meaningless game.

But out of this pain comes a turning point. 

We start to search.

We  decide to find to out what our lives are really all about, what really turns us on, what we should be really doing i.e. the BIG QUESTION:

Why am I here?

We find when we get clear on our life purpose, something really funky happens… our energy comes back. It’s what’s called inherent motivation i.e. the impulse to create our life arises from the inside.

Not the outside.

Its magic.

Where there wasn’t energy…now there is.

Hope returns.

Having a purpose is just naturally satisfying because we are magnetically drawn to want to accomplish it. It excites and energies us.

We become more engaged. Life has meaning as we see that we consistently accomplish the steps toward our purpose. The best parts of ourselves emerge to face and overcome the barriers that have defeated us in the past. 

We become more of who we truly are.

“He who has a why to live for can bear any how.” Frederick Nietzsche

I don’t know about you but to me one of the biggest regrets is to live not knowing why we are really alive. Imagine a person realizing this on their deathbed?

When we know our purpose, life can become a project worthy of our passion not a huge problem to avoid, 

Hey and we can save a lot on those energy drinks!

If this in some way relates to you check out the Deep Calling retreat: