Deep Calling: Finding Your Life Purpose

Why Am I Here?
When people ask this question or a variation of it (What am I supposed to do with my life?) more than likely they wonder if there’s anything meaningful about their existence. They may push themselves out of bed every morning to a routine job they really dislike. There’s a void in their life. Their motivation is low. Few things inspire them. For some, hopelessness is a constant unwanted companion because they feel like they are wasting their time on things that don’t really matter. Its almost like there is physical pain inside.
It’s like they’re stuck in a rut with one foot on the gas and another on the brake. Lots of energy is used but they are getting nowhere fast. Sometimes they have to pump themselves up with coffee, vitamins, sweets and energy drinks just to keep going. But at the end of the day they are just exhausted because they haven’t found a purpose or livelihood that gives them juice.
If you can relate to this then I imagine you’d really like to experience that:
- everything in your life matters and has meaning
- you are working towards a greater goal and you are clear on what this is
- your chosen career contributes to the life of others and the world
- it’s totally possible to live with more focus, intention and integrity.
And you’d like to see yourself feeling more:
- energy, passion, aliveness and motivation
- inspired with lots of creative ideas about your life’s work
- happily engaged with others in manifesting your dreams
- able to overcome the challenges that have held you back in the past
- successful, accomplished and prosperous
I know the experience all too well. I spent ten years in a commission sales job that I hated. Eventually it got to the point where I felt like I was picking up a concrete block every time I picked up the phone for cold calls. I got so depressed and tired I could hardly get out of bed in the morning.
I decided to live my dream and not my nightmare. It didn’t take me long to find my purpose and when I did, new energy came out of nowhere to make that livelihood happen. It was like night and day. It took me awhile but I am now doing what I was born to do with my life.
Years later when I saw so many people suffering from not doing what they wanted in life, I decided to present the techniques I discovered in a workshop format. Here’s the details:
Deep Calling
Finding Your Life Purpose

In this workshop there will be five important discoveries:
- Your primary life goals that give meaning to everything you do
- The 3-4 main careers that match your passions and interests in life
- Your unique “soul” gifts that you are destined to use to uplift the lives of others
- The deep Mission that has evolved from the challenging experiences in your life
- The barriers that block you from finding your life purpose and how to let go of these.

I was feeling a yearning to be an entrepreneur but feeling blocked in confusion about what I should do and anxious about doing it. I already had a sense of what I should be doing in my life, but doubted it. Through the Deep Calling program, I was asked the right kind of questions to unveil more about my skill set, passions and drive and I was excited to find all these within me. I discovered my overall life purpose to totally be “Who I am” and share myself with others and I re-awakened my burning desire to be a nutritionist. I really enjoyed the Deep Calling program with Russell, his gentle spirit is lovely to work with.
Carrie Bergen-Geisel, Nutritionist, Kitchener ON
Through focused guided visualizations, speed journaling, self-inquiry exercises, silent contemplation and other interactive processes, you will come into deep alignment with the inner motivation behind everything you are doing and finally hear and give voice to the purpose for your existence that has been calling you for so many, many years. An optional feature of this program is a Life Purpose reading at an extra cost from Intuitive Reader Monica Piercey from the Heart of Unity.
It’s actually a lot easier than you think to discover your life purpose! …and knowing your life purpose empowers you to live with passion, focus and integrity and inspires you to overcome your difficulties and express the best part of yourself in life.
(Although this program will not give you instruction on job search strategies you will be given resources and contacts to follow-up on this.)
As you consciously move in the direction of your newly discovered destiny, you’ll find courage and capabilities you never knew existed before and there will be a profound sense of making progress in harmony with life and uplifting the lives of others.
The world needs your unique gifts.

Discovering your life purpose will orient you towards new passion, optimism and an inspired existence.
It is the first step towards living a deeper more fulfilled life.
It is a crucial key to self-mastery.
What others have said about the Deep Calling retreat
While I was on the workshop, I had an overwhelming sense of calmness and tranquility in that my road to where I need to be is happening right now. I was able to just ‘let go and be.’ Since the retreat I feel at ease when going to work and I am having deeper emotional clarity about how strong my purpose is part of me and there was never a reason to ever doubt it.
Martha Biagi, Teacher Toronto
Russell, I wanted to thank you for the experience I’ve received while participating in your “Deep Calling” sessions. Your wisdom, ability to listen and the program in itself is an experience like no other. I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent relating in the sessions, and the dramatic changes I immediately saw in myself and my life. I am elated at how quickly I have enjoyed extreme success during and after the work. I would highly recommend your program to anyone looking for “a big push to get off the runway.”
Susan Bridges, Business Owner, Cambridge
The next Deep Calling retreat:
April 6-7, (9:30 am to 5:00pm)
at the Eramosa-Eden Retreat Centre east of Guelph, Ontario
COST: A deposit of $75.00 plus a “Pay From The Heart Donation” at the end of the retreat.
For more information e-mail:
***Pay from the Heart***
I am committed to making the retreat financially accessible to everyone. The upfront cost is the cost of the facility rental. At the end of the retreat, you will be given the opportunity to make a contribution for my facilitation based on the perceived value of what the retreat was worth to you. This contribution can be a one-time donation or monthly deposits. I trust that you will get in touch with the long term benefit of the retreat to your life and make your decision honestly. Normally a retreat of this nature with facilitation costs included would be priced from $250 to $300
For more information or to enroll contact: 519-829-4149 or e-mail:

If you have fully applied the techniques in the workshop and follow-up program and have not discovered your life purpose I will refund your tuition.
Retreat Leader

Hi. This is me Russell Scott. I am one of the new generation of “no dogma teachers” and the author of the acclaimed book: “Awakening the Guru in You”. I’m a former radio talk show host for A2Zen Radio and I’ve led over 200 retreats internationally for the past 30 years. Many years ago I left the corporate world as a successful enrollment director for a national scholarship foundation to work as a counselor in a treatment centre in Northern Ontario and then moved on to own the Ecology Retreat Centre near Orangeville where I pioneered programs in green building, sustainable living and spiritual awakening. As an “Awakening master” I’ve helped 1000’s of people in my one-to-one and group programs break through past limitations so that they can walk in the beauty, honesty and magnificence of who they really are. I have to say that my greatest joy in life is watching people fall off their seats in fits of laughter when they realize their true nature.