Awaken the Guru in You

You have to do it by yourself, but you don't have to do it alone.
Awaken The Guru In You > Clearing Practitioner Training

Do you feel a deep inner calling to help others?

Clearing Practitioner Training

If you are interested in entering the profession of coaching or adding a coaching modality to the helping profession you are in, Clearing Practitioner Training will give you the experience of significantly helping people resolve difficult issues and move towards their life goals while you make a good part-or full-time income.

The Source of Problems in Life

Clearing is based on the experience that many problems are the result of:

What Is Clearing?

Clearing (also known as Insight Coaching)  is an “assisted” self-inquiry process in which a Clearing Practitioner helps clients come to greater self-awareness by giving specific instructions related to their issues, with a process called the “Clearing Communication Cycle”. Through deep listening whereby the client is seen, heard and consistently understood. the Clearing practitioner ensures that these difficult communications are continually completed resulting in the integration of current and past experiences.

As a result, new insights into the true nature of one’s issues spontaneously occur and barriers to the person’s fuller engagement in life are dissolved. New energy enters the body and the mind becomes clearer. With the problem now understood, the practitioner can help the client develop an action plan and support them to achieve their goals.

The Spiritual Foundations of Clearing.
We understand that:

Clearing does not involve:

Psychoanalysis, psychotherapy or hypnosis
Any assessment or diagnosis of specific mental or emotional disorders
Interventions to change thinking or behaviour
Advice or suggestions to take on the therapist’s perspective or point of view

Ultimately Clearing helps people overcome difficulties, take responsibility for how they have created their circumstances and sets them on a new path of creating a brighter future. As problems are dissolved, the heart opens, wisdom spontaneously occurs and the full magnificence of one’s true being shows up.

Clearing Practitioner Training

Clearing Practitioner training is a comprehensive, training on the nature of the true self and the formation, structure and clearing of personal and interpersonal barriers through communication. The training will significantly evolve your ability to effectively help most individuals who come to you stuck in current or long term problems and give you the deep satisfaction that you have significantly contributed to their lives.

The education you will receive on communication strategies alone can be universally applied to improve your personal and business relationships and the effectiveness of any helping modality you practice. The student sessions you receive as part of the course and the resolution of personal issues are worth the investment alone.

There are 3 levels of training: Clearing Practitioner Training I, II and III

Focus of Clearing Practitioner Training I (Basics of Clearing)

The course will bring the student to a mastery of the fundamental helping method known as “The Clearing Communication Cycle”, which is the foundation of all processes that are used in the Clearing process. As the student improves his/her ability in this area, techniques to help resolve specific problems will be introduced in the basic course and in advanced courses.

Features of Clearing Practitioner Training I:

  1. 100 hours of in-class training plus 30 hours of outside class assignments and supervision scheduled over five 3 day periods from Friday to Sunday. (see below)
  2. Training drills that improve your ability to get consistent results with your clients
  3. Between class assignments and student sessions
  4. Supervised experience in giving basic Clearing Sessions
  5. Student sessions to dissolve personal issues that block your effectiveness as a clearer.
  6. Four manuals:
    – The Mind
    – The Basis of Clearing
    – The Current Problem Clearing Theory manual
    – The Current Problem Clearing Technique manual.

The Training Includes:

The Training would be a fit for you if you;

Some Advantages of Becoming a Clearing Practitioner:

Dates: Level 1:

About Clearing Practitioner Training II

The advanced training will build the practitioner’s ability to resolve a broader range of specific issues, mentioned during the first training.  During these trainings, practitioners will be earning an income as the training evolves that could easily pay for the training. The training, assignment and supervision hours will be similar to Clearing I.

Tuition for Clearing Level I:

A deposit or $200 plus $1300 plus HST or $1695.00
Payment plan: $200 deposit and $265.00 including HST for 6 months (total $1790) Enrollment limited to 16 people. Or other financial arrangement upon consultation with the trainer. (HST is waived for the first 6 enrollments)

If you have not experienced the benefits of Clearing before, I am giving you a special offer.

After the weekend is over you can decide:
To continue with the training or exit the training, with or without a refund of your deposit. (This is contingent on you completing the first weekend.)
Enrollment is limited to 16 people.

Pre-requisites: Application form and an interview with the training instructor

ENROLL NOW at: or Call 519-829-4149

What Students Have Said About Their Experience of Receiving Clearing Sessions in the Training

Clearing has introduced me to a new pathway of self-discovery that has impacted me on a whole new level. Most important has been the efficiency of clearing, streamlined in its capacity to uproot emotional stuckness connected to current and historical experiences. I am more open, speaking my truth, without emotional upset, and definitely staying in my own empowerment while honoring other people’s truths. My relationship with self- acceptance has blossomed. Sue CraigKitchener Ontario

Before Clearing, I was having trouble letting go of past upsets from those closest to me. I was struggling with feelings of anxiety & depression as well as anger with myself. I was overwhelmingly confused, had a lack of vision and confidence about how to move forward with my relationships and personal goals. During the sessions, I have been able to become clear on what my responsibilities were and are within relationships and to myself. I have since been able to let go of negative self-talk and am able to forgive myself and others for past injuries. I can choose to look forward now, no longer consumed with looking back. My life has so much room for joy and peace; the heavy spaces of abandonment, shame and grief have been transformed into love, acceptance and gratitude. Maria de Vera-Ryeland – Orillia

Clearing has guided me to realizations of my true self and given me confidence with my own wisdom to find inner peace.  I have been able to let go of previous beliefs, heal from grief, resolve past and current difficulties and forgive others and myself that have been holding me back from living my true-life path and become happier with who I am.  Clearing sessions have allowed me to go deeper within myself and be able to get to the root of the problem I wanted to work on. I am astounded by the profound insights I have had during clearing sessions.  Clearing has improved my ability to quiet the mind and listen to my soul.  I believe strongly in the process and wish everyone would experience Clearing.”  – Irene Dahl, Thunder Bay, ON

“Over many years I have engaged in much self-reflection, contemplation and various approaches to clear old patterns of behaviour. Clearing is the most powerful resource I have encountered. I have been able to expose the roots of automatic, subconscious habits that hijacked my life and in so doing make changes that I would not have thought possible before. “That’s just how I am” has shifted to “that’s how I was and am no longer”. I am so much freer now to be spontaneous and live the life that fulfills me.” Richard Fogg – Bancroft

or Call 519-829-4149