The Spiritual Seeker’s Guide to Inner Peace, Self-Acceptance and Who You Really Are
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With your purchase of Awaken the Guru In You (paperback or ebook) you’ll receive 3 bonuses from the author. Read about the bonuses below and scroll down to order the book and get the bonuses.
Bonus 1: Deep Calling: Finding Your Life Purpose and Mission (e-book)
This six step course will help you clarify not only your Life Purpose but your Soul Gifts, Mission, Right Career, Abilities and Passions so that any barriers that have defeated you in the past, you can now overcome. Knowing your calling in life is the key to a meaningful, rewarding and inspiring life.
Bonus 2: Living From The Inside Out: 9 Keys to Awakened Living (eBook)
A common belief is that awakening is the end of the spiritual path. The reality is that it is actually the beginning—the start of living from the realization of your true self, or “enLifenment”. This book clarifies the important next steps to fulfill this life-long project of being who you really are…an excellent follow-up guide to Awaken The Guru In You
Bonus 3: Songs of Healing and Transformation (a downloadable CD)
Russell is also an accomplished singer/songwriter. Enjoy selected original songs from his two CD’s “Masterkey” and “Sweet Leela”. His music will open your heart, get your feet stomping, soothe your soul and maybe even get you chuckling with some of his quirky lyrics.
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About Awaken The Guru In You
Many of us have become both leary and weary of the beliefs served up by our social conditioning and religious conventions and have set out to find our answers within. The search can be daunting for hungry non-followers.
Awaken the Guru in You presents a modern-day approach to personal growth and spirituality based on the way consciousness naturally evolves in your ordinary life. It will turn you 90 degrees from listening to the dogmatic leader to relating with one another, accelerating the spiritual path so it becomes truly alive and engaging as you:
- Access deep insight and resolve persistent problems
- Open up to the divine nature in your self, life, and others
- Experience self-realization in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods
Be forewarned that some sacred beliefs may get shattered as you encounter some hilarious “ah-ha” moments scattered throughout this remarkable book.
“Russell Scott has walked a path deep, painful, funny, and above all, fruitful. His awakenings and insights pour forth from these pages. The simple approach of Co-evolution and the dozens of practical exercises in this book will set your inner process on fire, empower you and help you build an amazing life for yourself.”
– Lawrence Noyes, author of The Enlightenment Intensive: The Power of Dyad Communication for Self-Realization
Russell Scott is one of the new generations of “no-dogma teachers”. He is the former owner of the Ecology Retreat Centre in Ontario Canada where he pioneered programs in green building, sustainable living, permaculture and spirituality.
He has led hundreds of self-inquiry retreats in Canada for the past 35 years. As a “self-realization guide” he has assisted 1000’s of people in his one-to-one and group programs break through past limitations and inner sabotage so that they can walk in the beauty, honesty and magnificence of their true nature. His greatest joy in life is watching people fall off their seats in fits of laughter when they realize who they really are.
Russell is also an accomplished singer/songwriter who sometimes sings rib-tickling “Country and Eastern” songs.
Is This Book For Me?
You’re likely wondering, “Is this book for me?” I’ve been in your shoes, standing inside a bookstore, flipping through dozens of books, and wondering if any of them are for me. So, I’d like to save you some time by letting you know, straight off, who this book is for. Then you can decide if it’s a fit.
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This book is written for folks I call “Independent Seekers.” You’re an Independent Seeker if, on the outside, you look like everybody else—you talk, walk, eat, sleep, work, relax, earn money, pay bills, wake, dream—but, on the inside, you feel different.
- You’re drawn to explore subjects like spirituality, higher consciousness, awakening, enlightenment, self-realization, truth, etc. You’d rather spend time considering these subjects and arrive at your own conclusions rather than blindly take on the beliefs of a guru or a religion. The thought of dogma gives you a rash.
- You’ve spent many years alone on a meditative path feeling like you’re spinning your chakra wheels and never having the “big bang” awakening experience. You yearn to explore a different approach that involves a deeper connection with others.
- You’ve been banged up a little or a lot in life and feel you’ve somehow lost yourself. You look back at your childhood pictures and wonder, “Where did that shining presence go?” The self-help books are piled up beside your bed, and you’re feeling slightly self-helpless. You want to try something that really resolves things for you.
- You followed a spiritual teacher and became disillusioned with his/her behaviour. Their dogma was driving your karma and you ran into a brick wall. You aren’t interested in being a follower sitting in the back seat anymore and are now ready to be your own driver. However, you feel you might need some lessons.
- You’re in your 40s, 50s, or 60s, have experienced a good amount of success in your life and maybe have a family. You feel trapped in the routines, the responsibilities, and the necessities of life, and are starting to believe material success isn’t where it’s at anymore. The juice is gone, and the round earth is feeling flat. You’re secretly asking, “What’s the purpose of life?”
- You’re young, maybe in your 20s, and the idea of making a lot of money doesn’t attract you. You feel apprehension about participating in the consumer culture. There’s no allure there. You might say you’re a mystic misfit naturally drawn to explore the deeper realities of life and self in the community of others. You were born that way.
To sum up:
You question, you search, you yearn…for a meaning and a truth deeper than what our culture has offered us. You were taught that everything you need to make yourself happy is available by earning money and buying the right things, but you’ve been disappointed to find that’s not the case. Authenticity attracts you, so you’re searching for a way of being and relating that comes from who you really are, i.e., a path that’s genuine, real, compassionate, and provides a purpose to your life that gives everything a deeper meaning.
Sometimes, you feel alone on the path because you’d prefer to stare into the unknown forever until the wisdom within shows up rather than sit cross-legged on a cushion and be spoon-fed someone else’s fast-food version of reality. This is the price you’re willing to pay for wanting to live from the place that intuitively feels is the only place to live—your true self. Truth be told, you also need to connect to others and the world in a way that makes you feel you belong to the mystery that’s grander than yourself.
If some of these descriptions fit you, pick up this book and come along with the rest of us Independent Seekers. We’re here to discover the truth of ourselves for ourselves, genuinely connect to others, and offer our uniqueness to the world. The good news is that it’s not necessary for us to be Lone Rangers. Yes, we have to do it by ourselves, but we don’t have to do it alone. There are too many of us now. We can do it alone—together—with this revolutionary method of wisdom and awakening called the Co-evolution Method.
So, come on along. I have lots to share, and we’ve got an exciting journey ahead, together.

“Awaken The Guru In You offers a revolutionary, liberating process of self-inquiry for “guru avoidant” spiritual seekers wanting to accelerate their path of insight and awakening to the divine truth within themselves.”
—Christy Whitman, New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All
“Awaken The Guru In You introduces a powerful technique called “The Co-evolution” process. In the 30 years I have known the author, I’ve witnessed its transformative healing effects in myself and hundreds of people. He shares illuminating insights into the character of many gurus (spiritual teachers). While many have great wisdom, Russell warns us that they are human beings who, all too often, fall victim to their ego and succumb to folly. In this book, Russell guides us in a very illuminating and often humorous and irreverent voice, to get in touch with our own inner Guru. Indeed, that is very wise advice!”
—Terry J. Hodgkinson, author of Memoirs of a Wandering Ninja: Walking the Path of Enlightenment
“Awaken The Guru In You is a wonderful guide for people who wish to explore their consciousness. Russell’s retreats, his one-on-one sessions, and his book, all serve this purpose admirably. I have benefited greatly for several decades now, from the co-evolution technique described in this book. Rather than present any dogma or belief system, Russell guides people to find answers within themselves. I have found a deeper understanding of myself, and have become much more peaceful, calm, and at ease as a result. I heartily recommend this book to anyone pursuing their evolution.”
—David Bryan, Chopra Center Certified Meditation Instructor, author, The 7 Principles of the Affluent Soul
“Awaken The Guru In You brings an updated and enlightened perspective to a lot of tired old spiritual teachings, revealing vital, practical wisdom for modern people. Russell Scott clearly shows how we can empower ourselves as Masters and become part of the solution to what is vitally needed on our planet now.”
—Darren Starwynn, O.M.D., author of Awakening the Avatar Within: A Road-map to Uncover Your Superpowers, Upgrade Your Body and Uplift Humanity

“If you like your inquiry into both the truth of life and yourself with a good dollop of humour and no “b.s.”, then you have struck gold with Awaken The Guru In You. In addition to that, Russell is a fantastic storyteller and writer which makes the book a pleasure to read. Thus, this book’s distillation of Russell’s hard-won wisdom supports the spiritual seeker to end their seeking and start seeing. He holds the hand of your intellect (that is sure it is the alpha-knower) and walks it to meet the place where you can transcend the known and see what is true for yourself. I cannot recommend it highly enough.”
—Kathryn Jefferies, Ph.D., author of Awake: Education for Enlightenment, founder, Institute for Well-Being in Education (iWe)
“Russell’s playful yet purposeful abilities imbue this book. From the outset, he clarifies that this latest publication was composed for those he calls Independent Seekers – individuals who are yearning for a purposeful path, one that brings a deeper meaning to life. In this spirit, Russell doesn’t set himself as a guru who will dole out snappy answers to life’s complexities. Instead, this book acts as a guidebook so that readers can proactively connect with their innate truths, genuinely interact with others, and offer unique gifts into the world. This book is well designed for individuals who want to make a difference in the world yet desire to do so in concert with others.”
—Gary Diggins, Music as Medicine therapist and author of Soundwork as Soulwork: Cultivating Wellbeing through Sonic Rituals
“If you want to know something, ask an expert. Russell’s message is different: if we want to know ourselves, we don’t need to ask someone else, we need to ask ourselves. Awaken The Guru In You presents a wonderfully simple and profound method of self-inquiry that is unequaled in other spiritual technologies. Apply it and it will revolutionize your life.”
—Sandra Fiegehen, Ph.D., C Psych
“As a therapist and a facilitator of Enlightenment Intensives for ten years now and also an ex guru follower, reading Russell Scott’s book, Awaken The Guru In You, I became very excited with the clarity with which Russell explained in detail each aspect of truth, a direct experience, a spiritual guide, and so much more. Every chapter is filled with inspiring ways of looking at everything I studied in my training to lead retreats. I frequently use quotes and paragraphs from his book to inspire my participants. I highly recommend reading and using this book!”
—Meranda Squires, Enlightenment Intensive Leader
“Scott critiques the tendencies people have of attributing wisdom to authority figures other than themselves. He points out that religious leaders and self-proclaimed spiritual leaders often ask us to accept their words of wisdom and guidance without question or criticism. This is often a mistake on our part because no one outside of ourselves can say what is precisely right for us. This book is written “…to release us from the prison of religious indoctrination and to offer a superior alternative to the ‘dogma guru,’ i.e. the real guru within. This book is heartily recommended for seekers on the path of inner awareness.”
—Daniel Benor, MD, ABIHM, Editor in Chief Emeritus for The International Journal of Healing and Caring
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