Awaken, Release and Shine
What is Enlightenment?
And how can it transform my life?
“When you know who you truly are there is an abiding alive sense of peace. You could call it joy because that’s what joy is: vibrantly alive peace. It is the joy of knowing yourself as the very life essence before life takes on form. That is the joy of Being, of being who you truly are.”
Eckhart Tolle
Ancient and modern spiritual teachers have talked about an experience that has transformed many lives: Enlightenment. It’s also known as awakening, self-realization, illumination or the unitive experience.
These are just labels that are not the thing itself, just like the menu is not the meal.
If you are on a spiritual path attend this free talk by Zoom and find some answers to these questions:
- What enlightenment is and is not
- What happens during an enlightenment experience
- Why are there different descriptions of enlightenment in spiritual literature
- What are some experiences of the unitive experience
- Is self-realization the end of the spiritual path
- How long does it take to get enlightened
- Do I have to follow a guru
- What are its practical benefits to my life
Do you know that many people have had this experience and not known it?
Perhaps you have had an enlightenment experience?
Attend this free talk and get inspired about a powerful modern method that has brought thousands of people to this experience in 3-4 days. Take a look for yourself. It’s amazing.
Two options:
Tuesday October 22
Monday October 28
From 7 to 8:30 pm